A mysterious figure conjures a remedy from jars of spider webs and beeswax, whilst studying the pages of ‘Micrographia’ (Robert Hooke, 1665); the first book to illustrate insects and plants as observed through the lens of a microscope.
Commissioned by Folklore Tapes for collaborative project The Art of Magic: re-scoring and restoring objectless index cards from the Museum of Witchcraft
Objectless index card:
A unique collection of index cards from the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic that have been orphaned from the object to which they describe. These cards have been sent to artists around the British Isles to invoke a creative interpretation in any medium. The resulting selection of re-scored and restored arte-facts will form part of a touring exhibition. (Folklore Tapes, 2018)

VHS looped display on five inch portable television
Art of Magic exhibition, 2018 |
